• trickylens
    a month ago

    40% rise in "sewage spills" reported by Thames water. "Spills"...lol.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    a month ago

    Not defending privatised water companies but seems likely to be correlated with heavy rainfall and it's been a particularly wet year, so doesn't seem very surprising.

  • trickylens
    a month ago

    Yes...I imagine if you are in that business you might reasonably think that having some more rain was a massive edge case, not worth planning for. Better to fund debt to pay investors dividends, than bother with that expensive infrastructure/core business stuff.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    a month ago

    Quite agree. But if we have a dry winter the number of times they discharge sewers into rivers will drop - they'd still be doing a shit (ha!) job. It's basically victorian infrastructure, so no-one was doing much to improve it in the 100 years prior to privatisation either.

  • trickylens
    a month ago

    Correct, no substantial investment in infrastructure. We are lucky that private businesses are so agile, and that the market will provide. "£7 billion in dividends paid by Thames Water in the 32 years from 1990 to 2022"

  • trickylens
    a month ago
  • trickylens
    25 days ago

    In further no real power news, Close friend of convicted sex trafficker and Chinese spy, consorted with leading tories.

    Can you imagine what the fascists would make of it if it had been a labour leader? Still, they are all the same, that evil Kier Starmer (consults notes) bought a field for a donkey, and had a takeaway when he was working. As the newspapers told us with extended coverage. I suppose we should be happy that it's not circumstantial evidence of the corruption of our head of state by petro-chemical states. Just a pedo with the power to network governments.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    25 days ago

    Kelly Cates is leaving Sky to become part of the MOTD team next season. I'm sure this means something to some of you.

    Edit: just realized that this is Kelly Dalglish.

  • trickylens
    25 days ago

    Yes. Dalglish. She is my favourite. I used to listen to the sunday show she did on radio five with Ian Wright. The most accomplished and generous of broadcasters. Quick witted and funny but without hogging anything. She regularly fed Wrighty some gentle underarms into his hitting zone, and (as far as I could tell) really helped build back up his broadcasting confidence. Sharing the distinction of being brought up immersed in football, with that other titan of female sports broadcasting Gaby Logan (Yorath). These two are amongst the very best. No caveats.

  • Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    25 days ago

    And Mark Chapman is good as well. So a decent combo

  • Loaferpanorama_fish_eye
    25 days ago

    I'd had enough of Lineker's 'banter'. It's probably time for a female lead tbh.

  • BrettWilliamspanorama_fish_eye
    24 days ago

    I have no preference either way, but it does feel like Lineker's been dialling it in for a while now. And that's probably an acknowledgement of how good he is and how easy he makes presenting look.

  • trickylens
    24 days ago

    It's incredibly skilful broadcasting to have a repeated high level of exposure, and not quickly become annoyingly repetitive. Personally my biggest problem is not with Lineker, it's with the quality of contribution from the supporting cast.....although I'm really no fan of the sub-par personal banter, the puns, and the dad jokes, as part of the presentation. Summary: It's Shearer that gets right on my tits. He's rubbish.

  • Jim7panorama_fish_eye
    24 days ago

    I’m with you on Shearer. Ditto Martin fucking Keown.

  • Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    24 days ago

    It will be interesting to see how many of the back room staff stay. Shearer, Keown, Murphy and the absolutely ubiquitous Micah Richards, who must have the hardest working agent in the world as he is on my telly every time I turn it on.

    “Chappers” and Gabby already have some rapport with their podcast but I assume that the three of them will not be presenting together.

  • Jim7panorama_fish_eye
    24 days ago

    I don’t see Mark Chapman getting it because the BBC have already said they’re planning on a refresh.

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