It's like people have no insight whatsoever into how people work. They also appear not understand the classic form of verbally attacking someone. This consists of the factual component, followed by the disparaging component. "Boz eyed knob", "fat twat", "skinny whore", "posh arsehole", "German cunt".
So in a private setting, not a public statement, it's the German that is apparently a problem. That technically entirely correct statement of fact. We are scrutinising a private two word phrase and discussing ending a man's career over it. At least fifty percent of which is correct as a matter of record - arguably a better record than this man's judgement of all fall down Spanish dancing in the penalty area. Nobody is scrutinising officiating football matches, and making the laws and their interpretation sane. Which is actually what the point of this man is.
We really are the thickest of bunches.