• 10 Aug 2024, 12:05 p.m.

    Just read that right before seeing your post. Horrendous.

  • 10 Aug 2024, 12:49 p.m.

    I'm supposed to be coming to the UK for a few days next month, but the shit going on has me deeply uninterested in spending money to visit such a shit hole. The right to peaceful protest shouldn't extend to naked racism, and pogroms should be quelled with extreme force.

  • 10 Aug 2024, 12:55 p.m.

    Honestly, I think it's been over egged a bit in the media. I was talking to my Italian manager about it. Her family have been messaging her about it all, and she agrees on the coverage. She also comments how much of the world should look at their own integration issues - the UK is actually pretty good on the main.

  • 10 Aug 2024, 1:19 p.m.

    I wouldn't pay to come here at the moment either. I was hoping the worst was over but I saw a video live streamed yesterday evening of a large gang of males walking down a residential street, throwing stones/bricks at windows, one lad using an iron bar to smash every front window he walked past and when one didn't smash he jumped on the car and put his foot through the windscreen instead. I assume they didn't like the people living on that street. So although it's not as bad as it was last weekend (so far) judging by the live streams we're seeing it's still happening in smaller pockets. We are indeed a shi*t hole sadly.

    A good (and young) friend of mine is meant to be going to Liverpool on Monday with some friends for a few days and she's really nervous. This weekend might be a teller though, will the sun being out and the football being back see them all busy doing their own thing? Or getting drunk and back out on the streets yelling and breaking things because they're bored.

    Hopefully the speed in which they're now being caught, sentenced and locked up will help put a few off.

  • 12 Aug 2024, 5:21 p.m.

    My news had reported that tom cruise had abseiled in the closing ceremony. Having seen a picture, it's quite clear that he did no such thing. He was lowered on a rope, wearing a harness.

    You just can't trust a fucking thing that people tell you these days.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 1:51 p.m.

    Explains a lot...

    Hope the bugger is okay.

    Chicago: Speeding through life.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 3:56 p.m.

    I suppose cyanide in the water provides a bit of relief (ahem) from raw sewage.

    Two bit little country.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 6:55 p.m.

    It's pretty awful.
    Not a great time generally in NZ at the mo. Rotten government, awful economy, and it's the middle of winter just to make it feel worse. Especially since it's not as cold as we all think it should be.
    We're also likely to have race-based protest marches in a few months, because some of the progress in recent years is being wound back, and many Maori (along with, imho, right-thinking Kiwi) are pretty disgusted.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 7:57 p.m.

    This global right wing project is quite anti-social, isn't it. I feel sorry for the people who think it's some sort of accident and comes from the grass roots up and it just spontaneously breaks out. Spoiler: It doesn't.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 8:04 p.m.

    The "rural" marches around the world should have disabused anyone believing in the authenticity of the movement, but it didn't.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 8:06 p.m.

    Propaganda works on thickos, is the big takeaway here. In much the same way that advertising and marketing does. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't studied business. Or thought much.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 8:19 p.m.

    Very true. Though I think you might find that propaganda, advertising and marketing work on non-thickos too.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 8:20 p.m.

    That rather depends on how we are defining thickos.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 8:37 p.m.

    Ha! True enough. It was your choice of word, so I'll let you define it. By non-thickos, I meant absolutely everybody else. Well, at least in respect of advertising and marketing. Propaganda is trickier. One person's propaganda is another person's profound political and philosophical wisdom. A few bright people will spot it, even when they agree with it. Few will escape its influence entirely.

  • 14 Aug 2024, 8:47 p.m.

    I think you can make intelligent choices, based on a range of factors, in a knowing way. Even when marketing and advertising is in play. At the other end people can be persuaded to wear a codpiece and hang a couple of marshmallows from it's base, because all the smart people in Paris are doing that this season.

    For me the key is the application of critical thought, and making knowing choices. If you don't unilaterally apply it, you are a thicko predisposed to being misled by misinformation. Whether that is in the form of marketing, advertising, propaganda, or being sold clothes, or taught to appreciate 'art'.

    But that might be because I'm just an unregulated philistine, with no visual or group/uniform sensibility.