• 28 Jul 2024, 3:32 p.m.

    You do understand that every serving police officer has hundreds of thousands of pounds of training poured into them specifically to teach them restraint techniques, both physical and mental, right? I struggle to get my head round why anyone would think there's a scenario in which a police officer would be justified in behaving like a maligned football hooligan after 6 pints of Stella.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 4:15 p.m.

    Police officers can literally kill someone if it’s merited.

    A kick in the head is fairly minimal compared to lethal force.

    So as I said, even if you disagree with the officers actions in this scenario, there will be countless times when it’s justified.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 4:48 p.m.

    There will not. Police are taught to handle violent situations using a wide range of techniques. A kick to the head, which is an extremely effective way of killing someone, is not one of them.

    This isn't a matter of opinion. You're simply wrong on this one.

  • Squad
    28 Jul 2024, 4:51 p.m.

    I’ve watched enough Jackie Chan movies to know otherwise.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 5:06 p.m.

    Are you suggesting it’s lawful for a police officer to shoot someone in the head, but unlawful to kick someone in the head? Because just think how mental that sounds.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 5:26 p.m.

    Actually true. There are numerous cases of police firearms officers having believed there to be a threat, and been vindicated for shooting a completely innocent person. Until very recently one was running the met.

    There are no known cases of police officers committing ABH on a restrained suspect, in front of witnesses, and being vindicated. Well. Probably not since the miners strike.

    Normally they made sure there was no witnesses.

    A blow to the back of the head is one of the easiest ways to kill someone without a weapon. If not now, soon. Do you really advocate police officers taking that course of action having detained them, with people who have annoyed them, without consequence?

  • 28 Jul 2024, 5:44 p.m.

    Well of course there isn’t. As it wouldn’t be ABH as it would be a police officer carrying out their lawful duty. Which permits them in certain circumstances to kill someone, or even give someone a swift boot to the head.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 5:52 p.m.

    They would have got a lot less wacks round the chops if they were down t'pit like they were meant to, as the good people of Nottingham were.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 5:55 p.m.

    Do I advocate a police officer kicking someone in the head who has been detained, as a matter of punishment? Absolutely not.

    In relation to this case, where a number of officers have been brutally assaulted by people who could clearly fight. I think it was entirely justified, that officer (who was armed) had been punched hard to the head many times and highly likely for me he wouldn’t have even know exactly what was going on that time. Or even if he still had his weapon. It wasn’t a few minutes later, he hasnt arrived at the scene looking for retribution, it was very much part of the incident (wonder why the shit heads don’t show that part…..)

    I get police bashing, I get it’s nice to think they are always the bad guys but I’m still glad there are some out there ready to deal with the shit in society. And as I’ve said, in this instance I feel it’s totally justified and hope that any court in the land would think the same.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 6:02 p.m.

    Written before your response...

    Seven, What the fuck are you on about? I haven't seen the footage but if someone is restrained and therefore not in the position to cause anymore harm then they shouldn't be kicked in the head no matter how angry someone is. This is a very effective way of killing someone. Brain swelling occurs with head trauma more times than most.

    Having worked in the City of Chicago as an EMT/Paramedic, I have seen some malicious and hideous things by the Chicago PD on people who should have known better and not resisted arrest or fought the authorities. The Cops thought it funny to keep taking an injured suspect to the toilet at an emergency room and have him accidentally fall over again and again. I had to patch him up a few times. I was even asked if I wished to assist with his next accident. I politely declined. Over here, there is a fine line that you can either grow up to be a criminal or a Chicago Police officer. Some criminals who shouldn't wear the badge take this path and it's because they like violence. I would assume the British Police would be better trained than that. The Reason I left that job was because I had spent a day restraining 6 to 7 patients (mostly drug addicts who had become violent) and my last call was another one where a psych patient was refusing treatment and had become belligerent. I didn't want to deal with it anymore and called the police for assistance. Turns out it was a scared old man who seemed a little confused and just didn't want to take his meds. The Cops who met me there took great delight in slamming him to the ground and hog tying him and throwing him in our ambulance. Their response was "Thanks Man that was fun, call us anytime". I was appalled and also ashamed that I hadn't assessed the situation beforehand because I was tired and pissed off from an utterly draining day. I quit the next day.

    This was about 20 years ago. I still know police officers and some of them are very fine people but the bad apples still exist and are sort of protected over here unless there is body cam footage (there wasn't any back in the day", and there is public uproar.

    Anyway, my two pennies worth.

    Chicago: Old and Cynical.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 6:05 p.m.

    I don't believe that its police bashing to suggest that they should be subject to the same laws and redress as everyone else.

    Of course it's a difficult job. As far as I'm aware none of those that I know have kicked an immobilised subject in the back of the head. And that includes occasions when they have been proceeded by physical action.

    I do believe that there is a substantial issue with unsuitable candidates being recruited, where they wouldn't have been before. Also training and oversight leaves something to be desired. Not least because of a lack of funding and resource.

    None of that makes me think that kicking an immobilised man on the floor offering no immediate threat, in the back of the head, is okay.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 6:30 p.m.

    Some reasonable points there.

    Wasn’t specifically aiming police bashing at people on here, more the initial response on social media once the one sided edited clip had been released.

    Anyway, this is one that’s divided opinion.

    However the police actually don’t have to live by the same laws as the rest of us. They have powers to use force that we don’t. If that officer has an honestly held belief that that thug is a threat to him or someone else then force can be used. I think in the circs on on the full footage he can justify it (just come under sustained attack to the head may not be aware of full situation etc etc) and think he’ll probably be alright.

    Others disagree and that’s fine, it will ultimately be up to decision makers and potentially the court to decide.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 6:39 p.m.

    But you agree with the actions of the officer in this case as you indicated with the kick him harder post.

    So how long and how incapacitated would a perpetrator have to be for you to not think a kick in the head is acceptable?

    The guy here was on the floor having been tasered, but still OK to kick him in the head harder just in case he's faking the effects of the taser I guess.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 7 p.m.

    Despite the obvious and evident seriousness of the conversation (I'm team "cop revenge bad"), I find it a bit amusing that the movie SE7EN, rather than the poster Seven, would have had quite a different ending if Brad Pitt had just walked off whistling and headed to work the next day while Morgan Freeman happily retires.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 7:16 p.m.

    Well. Everyone v. You. But sure.

  • 28 Jul 2024, 7:35 p.m.

    Captain Red Beard Rum.