This is on the edge of one of the most offensive (to me) arguments I hear against UBI.. which is the idea that vast numbers of people will just stop working and take the free money.
It’s offensive because you ask anyone making it if THEY would quit work and spend their life watching telly and scraping through on a subsistence income and they say ‘of course not.. but other people will’.
Most people will still work, as they do now, because they want more than what a UBI income would provide. Those that really don’t want to do that are probably not working now, and better off not working at all. UBI at least affords those people a bit of dignity and freedom to pursue interests without the threat of the state taking away what meagre income they have.
Most people do want to work. They want to contribute something and they want to have money for nice stuff. My piss is boiled by those who think otherwise. I could take a low-wage-don’t-give-a-shit job, or go part time, or maybe even just retire and live a UBI life off my savings and home equity for 20 years until I can get a pension.. but I am not going to do that. Why would I assume large numbers of other people will take the first bus out of work-town when I wouldn’t?
Now.. does UBI mean that some people will need more persuading to work? Yes, yes it does. And that’s a feature, not a bug. If the person who cleans the bogs in Wetherspoons is only doing it because they’ll starve if they don’t.. well that is a bad thing.