Bugger. If they couldn't keep the current guy I was hoping he'd win.
Bugger. If they couldn't keep the current guy I was hoping he'd win.
Point of order - one far right lunatic and one opportunist who can see the way the wind is blowing.
He seemed like the least cunty.
That's still an awful lot of cunt.
Tory MPs proving again that they don’t have a clue what (or whom) the electorate might actually want.
Part of me thinks great, choose the batshit far right extremist and enjoy your years of infighting and meltdowns to come. The other part of me thinks we need a decent opposition to make the system work properly and they won’t provide it with either of those two. Farage anyone??
I full expect Farage to be a Tory cabinet minister, possibly even leader, within five years.
I want a Trio and I want one now!
Until we have a free and objective fourth estate, and not one that primarily pushes Russian foreign policy objectives, the notion of an actual functioning system prioritising governing in the interests of our society are a joke. Not a funny one.
If you are looking for the kompromat Tories to save our democracy, you are largely already fucked. You just don't know it yet.
Ok, I’ll bite. I don’t think there’s much chance of Farage joining the Tories. He’s making too much money from reform, he doesn’t want the effort and hassle of being a minister or leader (shadow or otherwise) and he’s far better off throwing rocks from the outside.
Added to that, political parties are pretty tribal and it’s unlikely the Tory members will forgive him for syphoning off “their” votes.
I agree. Farage is a populist demagogue. He likes to throw things from the sidelines and to be 'right' in the eyes of his adoring morons - sorry - fans. I doubt he has much appetite for the dull routine of real political office. Whether it's Badenoch or Jenrick, their main task will be to try to win back the loons from Reform, so we can expect some real crazy Tory policies to emerge in the next year or two. Meanwhile the old One Nation Tories are going to spend the next four years with their heads in their hands. Strap yourselves in. This is going to be funny. (And scary.)
Him, or a loathsome Bring Back Boris campaign.
Agree, he much prefers stirring things up and really crumbles under any scrutiny. Which there would be more of.
He often knows the things he yelps about are unworkable and will be happy to leave the mess to idiots like Jenrick.
They leaked as much to the Lib Dem’s though and they aren’t getting those votes back now.
And there are a proportion of reform who’d never vote Tory. It was odd when UKIP votes didn’t automatically go Tory like many though and Labour won many back.
I’m not sure they can ever out reform reform.
And there are a proportion of reform who’d never vote Tory
Except that most of them did in 2019. (Which is why Johnson can't be ruled out as a future Tory leader.)