With respect that appears to come from a slightly one eyed bias. The roads are fucked, and the designers do fuck all to stop an impatient and entitled driver from driving dangerously. That is not a rare thing.
I've not seen vine's stuff, but he couldn't show drivers driving dangerously and poorly if they didn't do it. Why the fuck should he pussyfoot about with the message, when there are people out there recklessly, and often intentionally, putting other legitimate road users at risk of death or serious disability?
It's not just bike riders that are at risk, they are just much more vulnerable, lacking as they do the protective cocoon. It's not a rare thing, earlier this year I was subject to a terrifying reckless driver all over the back of my car, at high speed, in dreadful conditions, eventually swapping lanes at an island and nearly wiping out someone else.
Drivers need to get over this idea that the road belongs to them. They need drive to the highway code with courtesy and patience. And if they don't the very least that they should expect is bad men to say nasty things about them.
This is often not carelessness or mishap. There are reckless and dangerous anti-social characters out there causing death and disability. It's a crime against society. What turned you against your best interests, and the safety of your family and friends?