• 23 days ago

    You can also see that the whole thing was pre-meditated on Trump and Vance's part. Horrible to watch. Well, unless you're the Russian president (who likely had a hand in this).

  • trickylens
    23 days ago

    I liked the old days when you all teased me for pointing out what the russians were up to.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    23 days ago

    Not sure anyone doubted what they were up to.. moreso the notion that everything that has happened is a direct consequence of it, and that every politician you disapprove of is bought and paid for by it.

    It’s working out beautifully for them, of course. But they are capitalising on disfuction much moreso than they are creating it.

  • trickylens
    23 days ago

    Ever wonder where that came from?

  • noodlehelp_outline
    23 days ago

    I mean.. the American right has been on this path since people got pissed about letting black kids go to school, and that coalition blossomed under Reagan. The little-Englander attitude that ultimately drove Brexit has to go back to butthurt over not being an empire anymore. Distrust/dislike of anyone deemed ‘other’ is as old as time.

    Social and corporate Media coming along to monetise it all was just bad timing and the failure of any government anywhere to spot what was happening and at least try to regulate it was of benefit to all the bad actors (paid or otherwise) but certainly not driven by them.

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    23 days ago

    Has anywhere been nuked yet?

  • JRs_Cigarettepanorama_fish_eye
    23 days ago

    It'll be hard to tell for some places (Skeggy for example).

  • Sevenlens
    23 days ago

    You are being a bit generous to suggest they aren’t creating it.

    You don’t have to look far to see all Russian money involved in Brexit. To destabilise Europe and not long after the tanks roll into Ukraine.

    And our ‘patriots’ are cheerleading Farage.

    We are a bad election away from being no better than Trumps America, and the Russians will be doing all they can to ensure that happens.

  • JRs_Cigarettepanorama_fish_eye
    23 days ago

    Next election will be it won't it?

  • Russlens
    23 days ago

    No I'm sorry, I think you're wrong and tricky is right. I genuinely think this is the culmination of a long term plan.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    23 days ago

    Anti-EU sentiment was constant and widespread for my whole adult life.. and probably longer. Did the Russians see a close fight and try to tip the scales… yeah, obviously, that’s what geopolitics is and t’was ever… but giving them the credit rather gives a free pass to all the forces that set up some scales able to be tipped.

    Put it another way, if Russia wasn’t fucking with stuff to destabilise ‘the west’ would everything be going just great?

    Fewer people voted for Trump in 2024 than when he lost in 2020. I don’t think Putin is the reason million of Americans who voted for the old guy wouldn’t vote for the Black lady. Trump and his mates aren’t in the pay of Putin and the oligarchs.. they want to BE them.

  • trickylens
    23 days ago

    Not addressed to Russ, but to the appeasement driven conscientious objectors:

    Its one they used before, in South America in the fifties/sixties/seventies. Once they learned that is not about selling ideology, but corruption with money and power, they were golden. They've got a fuck tonne of money (along with their petrostate partners), and the burgeoning social media companies co-opted into national security after 911, gave them a route to buy their way into the heart of the defence community while putting their word in every home.

    Ultimately the western democracies have proven flabby and weak. Rather than fighting them, we've not even properly looked at what is happening in front of our eyes.

    It really takes quite a special to see all the Russian money moving in to the country, Russian values and disruption being promoted in the media and politics, Russians being naturalised and making significant majority contributions to the ruling party funds, Russians being elevated to the lords, the countries people systematically lied to by a broad constituency of public representatives and the media, in order to enact Russian foreign policy against the interests of our society, to observe the Russian destabilisation techniques at play investing in malign actors, some of them at the heart of our democracy, to promote disaffection and dissent through fascist populism, a Putin technique used to achieve power in Russia, while globally interfering in democratic processes achieving actual power through financial corruption of the avaricious right and their intelligence community and media partners, to the extent that a European democratic country is carved up and handed to the Russians live on television, and conclude "yep, definitely a mistake".

    I find it depressingly moronic. How can I begin to persuade you to fight it, if you refuse to even acknowledge that it exists? Yet there it all is, in front of you every day, clear evidence*.

    * If circumstantial. They are not going to actually come clean and coordinate a response against themselves. Not yet anyway. The Russian people know what it looks like now, but there's fuck all they can do about it. The people of Ukraine know. What did you think was happening when there was a systematic conspiracy to suppress information about Russian interference in our electoral processes, in the face of significant multiple links between the official campaign to leave the EU and Russia, and a total failure to adequately report the true implications and cost of what might prove to be the single most economically destructive event to the country in a hundred years, and offers no advantage beyond protecting nationalised Russians and their money in Londongrad? Let me guess... Mistake?

    Bless your naive little cotton socks.

    You don't get to coherently argue that whistle blowers have been exactly right about where we are headed, but only because of a coincidental mistake (another!). It's not that those sounding the alarm are right, but for the wrong reason. They haven't suttoned. You are just spectacularly plain wrong.

  • Seanlens
    23 days ago

    I miss donny.

  • trickylens
    23 days ago

    ...and this is reductive. Think back to the world as it was when the Berlin wall came down. The EU was a burgeoning financial superpower, it's physical security from Russia protected by NATO (largest tangible support 'merica and the UK). Take a snapshot now. The UK is no longer in the EU and it's defence capability is seriously compromised. The effective leader of the democratic west has indicated that it's policy to not interfere if Russian tanks roll into Europe. Mistake(s)? Another one(s)?

  • noodlehelp_outline
    23 days ago

    Pretty sure you’re the first and only person to use the work ‘mistake’ here.

  • trickylens
    22 days ago

    If these things are not mistakes, then they are planned. So the only questions that remain, is who's, why, how, and what are you going to do about it? There's really only one world view that begins to satisfactorily address those questions. Which might explain why they try to lead you away from it at every (created) opportunity.

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