• 6 Jul 2024, 12:40 p.m.

    Spent yesterday afternoon at the Red Lion opposite number ten. We got a table out the front and soaked in the vibes with 7-8 pints. Most the cabinet walked by on their way in to get their jobs and got cheers and congratulations from the public (plus lots of bleary-eyed campaigners and party staff who'd clearly been drinking all night). Was really fun.

  • Squad
    6 Jul 2024, 8:50 p.m.

    Waiting for Kier to top a great week for the UK by announcing a new Eo2HO.

    Could really bring the country together.

  • 6 Jul 2024, 8:54 p.m.

    Its a bit of a theme. Are there any specific friends or relatives you want to make badly Ill? Have you considered just making them coffee?

  • 7 Jul 2024, 12:57 a.m.

    Rwanda scheme dead already. Good start to the term.

    Poor old racists. What are they going to do now other than lose their jobs for being lazy goshites.

    Rejoin an EU trade agreement and I think we will be on the right track. Don’t mind being called Norway for a while.

    Chicago: SKOL!

  • 7 Jul 2024, 7:41 a.m.

    Bizarre implication that the Rwanda scheme would have satisfied racists and that they’ll give up being racist without it.

  • 7 Jul 2024, 12:36 p.m.

    I see that Suella Braverman says Dishy Rishi had 'idiotic policies' and the Conservatives took voters for 'mugs'.

    I would argue that is exactly why the likes of Suella Braverman got anywhere near the levers of power.

    In your view, what was it actually for? I have a view, but I suspect it's diverged from yours on this. Racism will be reduced, if you disarm racists, and de-escalate racist rhetoric and actions. I hope.

  • 7 Jul 2024, 1:57 p.m.

    It was to give the impression of "doing something" as a sop to racists.

  • 7 Jul 2024, 2:16 p.m.

    Yeah. I definitely disagree with you there. It was to demonise the notion of human rights, so that those who are racist or have had their brains boiled (large intersection of sets here) would support removing more rights from us all in society, and make us more frightened and under their control.

    I think that we can probably agree that the one thing that nobody in their right mind could possibly believe, is that it was genuinely there to achieve 'what it said on the tin'.

  • 7 Jul 2024, 6:23 p.m.

    If you look at the money involved, I'm sure we can find other motives as well.

  • 7 Jul 2024, 6:30 p.m.

    Sure. I think we can take a percentage of corruption for granted in whatever the previous terms governments did.

  • 8 Jul 2024, 4:47 p.m.

    The local MP, Andy Western a nice guy hard working and competent, had to call the police to his house due to some political harassment.
    Thing is, I don't know whether it's the hard left, the Corbynites are seething with anger at Labour actually being in power, or the hard right who are just seething.

  • 8 Jul 2024, 4:56 p.m.

    Beyond the long read that doesn't actually say anything - www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj50qjy9g7ro - I thought it was an interesting line that the Wes Streeting AI audio clip was traced to "left-leaning activists".

  • 8 Jul 2024, 11:09 p.m.

    There seems to be much more anger on social media from the likes of Owen “time to get a life” Jones than there is from the swivel-eyed loonies from Reform and the Conservatives.

    Subtext: how could you possibly win such a huge majority with fewer votes than magic grandpa? It’s. Just. Not. Fair.

    Forever damned to be the voice of protest…who knows what they would do if they actually won a mandate.

  • 9 Jul 2024, 3:41 a.m.

    I’m not enthused by a government of less-unpleasant people doing Tory-lite stuff. But it’s obviously a huge improvement and Corbyn’s fanboys really do need to note that Labour putting up a boring Blairite-type leader was what was needed to give people reassurance that it was safe to kick the Tories out. Which they did. Hard.

    A reform-a-like party gets nowhere near the support it got if people fear the consequences of a Labour win. Everyone knew who’d win, and had no reason to be concerned by it.. thus they could vote freely to give the Tories a kick. The vote share is irrelevant.

  • 9 Jul 2024, 11:03 a.m.

    Indeed, and the nasty campaigns were run by his type.

    Idiots like him don’t want a mandate. No coincidence he leaves Labour (thankfully) as they are about to get in power as his grift would no longer work if he supported the government.

    I’ve noticed similar with left leaning social commentators/‘comedians’ who turned on Starmer as he was about to win. They won’t make money if they are seen to like what the government is doing.

  • 9 Jul 2024, 11:11 a.m.

    Talking of grifts. Good news that the Holiday in Rwanda grift has been immediately canned and is to be fully audited. Prosecutions no doubt to follow.