Well if you look up where we are moving to then you are not far off the mark. This is the area which has a reputation as an Italian Capo Neighbourhood. Maywood IL. The mob bosses lived in Nearby River Forest and the foot soldiers in Maywood. There have been plenty of bodies found in basements and gardens in these two little enclaves. River Forest is super rich and Posh and Maywood rather gritty but with some really great vintage historic houses.
We cannot afford to live in River Forest so Maywood it is. We have already met some of the denizens. They are quite Italian. No Amazon package goes missing which is a good sign. Can't say the rest for people who are a bit too nosey about people's affairs.
My wife is half Italian. I am sure she is fine. I, on the other hand don't really wish to go for a walk with the boys in the nearby Forest Preserve...
Chicago: A bit nervous of the compost heap.