• 5 Nov 2023, 9:11 p.m.

    The one where he set up our goal, kept skinning Matty Cash and was at the heart of almost all of our best attacking moves?

    His speed and strength is just perfect when we play a game like the one today, having him and Awoniyi as our outlets with MGW playing them in..... it could win us a lot of points because there probably aren't many forwards in the league who can do that particular role as well as they do.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 9:19 p.m.

    I was accused of trolling because I said Turner was calamitous when most other people seemed to blindly think he would be great (including you when you said you didn't know why but had a "good feeling" about him). I think it is fair to say reality has since proved that I was right. I read all sorts of outlandish things on here (Worrall is a good ball playing centre half, a team without Hary Kane is better than one with etc etc). If trolling is about saying dumb things to get a reaction, I am not in the running for any winners medals on here for that.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 9:36 p.m.

    The first five minutes he had Cash on toast twice and was key to the first goal. After that, I'm not sure he found another red shirt. Consistently wrong decisions, giving the ball away. Got moved to CF in the second half when Taiwo went off and did even less. Our lack of attacking options was never more obvious than today when we had to leave him on.
    Offered nothing defensively (not that MGW did either) which left our full-backs struggling defensively (that they both ran themselves into the ground, playing very well, and had to be hooked says a lot - not sure what it says to Tavares though, when two right-backs got the nod to play left-back ahead of him after Toff went off)

  • 5 Nov 2023, 9:42 p.m.

    Concentrate on your own hyper self obsessed behavior, don't bring me into it.

    I'm not interested because you do not offer anything in terms of intelligent considered discussion. Either because you don't want to, or you genuinely are not up to it.

    I have warned you before about consuming my resources. If I take this account down, I will also take down the others that you have prepared for this eventually. You may consider this a final warning.

    I wish that you had a bit more self awareness, and less of an overinflated opinion of your own intellect. Then you might be less of a complete dickhead.

    As it is, this isn't a forum for you to drown. It's a community discussion where I will not tolerate trolling.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 9:50 p.m.

    You are still wrong about that. He's an improvement on our second-choice goalie, and has shown to be not quite good enough for where are. It wasn't wrong to give him a chance, and it wasn't wrong to drop him

  • 5 Nov 2023, 9:52 p.m.

    Not what I saw and not what Cooper saw either from what he's said about Elanga's performance in the post match interviews. But, opinions.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 9:53 p.m.

    As a back up, he's fine in the way Hennessy and Horvath were. That's about it in my opinion.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 10:01 p.m.

    I haven't got any other accounts. I don't know if you really believe that or you are just saying it to try and make me look bad, as you did before but I am about done here. What resources exactly am I taking up?

    The reality is you just don't like people with a different opinion to you, particularly when they turn out to be right and you have to reexamine what you thought.

    Anyway, you've threatened censorship before and I don't like that. Particularly when I've done nothing but give a reasoned opinion. It makes me want to just go and never come back to avoid giving you the satisfaction.

    So I think that's what I shall do.

    Remember me when Kane wins the balloon door and Turner joins Derby on a free.


  • 5 Nov 2023, 10:15 p.m.

    I imagine that almost everyone here has a different opinion to me. They just have the courtesy to not accuse other members of saying things that they haven't. Because they are perfectly capable of expressing their opinions in ways that have merit, and stand on their own.

    ... and they don't feel the need to use a
    retarded blueprint for semi-privacy applications for membership. Mostly because they are not afraid of who they are, but partly because they don't have a history of the authorities banning them from the internet.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 10:18 p.m.

    I believe that we have trodden this path before. Yet here you are, like a bad smell.

    Really rank.

  • 5 Nov 2023, 10:31 p.m.

    You're bonkers.


  • 6 Nov 2023, 7:53 a.m.

    I thought the suggestion that he was EBP was ludicrous but over time it seemed increasingly feasible.

  • 6 Nov 2023, 8 a.m.

    Final thing I'll say is I'm not, and the continued and fanciful suggestion I am is pretty grubby and annoying.

  • 6 Nov 2023, 8:04 a.m.

    Not even Raymond Chandler has had longer goodbye's.

  • 6 Nov 2023, 8:04 a.m.

    I've only seen the first half but I thought Elanga was pretty good. Carried the ball from his own half into the penalty for the first goal (demonstrating again that assists are nonsense as he obviously was a bigger contributor to the goal than Toffolo), tracked back well (certainly more than Brennan ever did, although that may have been by intent), lost the ball when attacking a few times but that's to be expected - we clearly are set up to risk possession by getting forward quickly.

  • 6 Nov 2023, 8:13 a.m.

    Regarding the assists, for the first goal I thought Toffolo mishit the pass and had intended to play it to one of the closer Forest players. All credit to Aina for seeing and taking the opportunity.

    On the game in general, I thought we were good value for the win. Villa weren't quite on it but Cooper got the tactics and team selection spot on and everybody was at least a 7/10. Full of confidence for West Ham now - expect a point at least.