Bullshit. you can always warm up. It's hard to cool off. Even you admitted you were too warm. I like the cold. It motivates me. The warm brings out noisy mexicans and heatstroke and murder. I may have been drinking bourbon after a long week and a hard to take Forest loss. you know I am right though. Going where it's warm will cut down on your exercise and make you head towards death quicker. Embrace life. Stay in the temperate four season state. you know it's more fun. The warmer states are full of nut job hillybilly assholes. You will get stupid quickly and find yourself arguing like Russ for no reason. Probably because it's too hot to do anything else. You are a reasonable and intelligent fellow with a lousy taste in American sports (Commanders/Redskins really?) but still a decent bloke to talk to.
Dave Rave is high on drugs. Don't listen to him. He doesn't know what heat is. You do. Enjoy your Italian hideaway if you need to but heading south in American will lead to Lynchings and Trump fans. It's a lose lose proposition.
Chicago: Fellow Northerner (ish)