• 4 Mar 2023, 4:32 p.m.

    Anyone interested in participating in a beta test, send me via private message on talkback:


    Your login username is the username you supplied, but all in lower case. However your displayed name will reflect any capitalisation that you have specified. The username must be a single word, all lower case, with no special characters. The displayname can be multiple words, with capitalisation.

    You need to use the same browser (on the same machine) to attempt login, as you do to request the password reset. you need to allow cookies for trentend.uk.

    The flow is: Request password in browser > receive link in email > copy link to browser and open it > reset password > associate authenticator > enter OTP.

    You should receive a link sent to your email for a password reset.

    Visit Reset Password? add your requested username (remember - the entirely lower case version) and choose reset, and you should get a Reset Password link to your supplied email address. If you don't, check your spam or wherever your email setup might have filtered the email to . If you don't get one then someone has made a mistake with the spelling of the email address.)

    Follow the workflow to set a valid password (select the "Remember me" checkbox, unless you want to log in every visit. It will remember you on that browser for a month), then follow the workflow to register your chosen authenticator.

    Having registered your authenticator correctly, you should now be greeted with a screen equivalent to this but for your stated username:


    You are now logged in to the trentend.uk domain, and have access to the applications that you are registered for (more to follow). You will remain logged in for approximately a month (or a period to be determined in the future), unless you manually logout ( select LOGOUT on the above screen), or delete the cookies in your browser.

    The cookies are just used for login and authorization, but if you wish to delete without trace just delete all cookies and data associated with trentend.uk. There is no tracking or data storage beyond the minimum requirements for the functionality of the site.

    Having established yourself as a registered user, you can now access the new site. Go to talkcab click on the sign in button in the top right corner. You will be redirected to a consent request page,

    where the authentication portal queries you to accept or deny the forum application access to your user details.

    If you accept you will be redirected to talkcab where you should be logged in with your correct user details.


    PNG, 19.0 KB, uploaded by tricky on 4 Mar 2023.

  • 4 Mar 2023, 5:04 p.m.

    Then I assume the instructions were broadly correct. ;-)

  • 4 Mar 2023, 6:23 p.m.

    I'm in too, it was a struggle to get the authenticator to work until I found one that I could make get the QR code from a photo.

    But I am VERY stupid

  • 4 Mar 2023, 6:46 p.m.

    In my experience it's mostly people who think that they are clever, that are stupid.

    Two factor authentication, and authenticator applications are very mainstream things (and there are very good reasons for using them when sites are being subject to sustained hacking attacks - a single password is many factors less secure). I have perhaps taken for granted how mainstream. I shall write a guide.

  • 4 Mar 2023, 6:59 p.m.

    I tried the Google one and it only seemed to work from the camera.

    I also have one called TOTP which let me do it from a screen shot.

  • 4 Mar 2023, 9:24 p.m.

    I used the Google one. There was an option to enter it from a key/code. So I copy and pasted it in.

    What was a bit confusing was having done it, and used it to register with the site, I expected it to then take me to the site. I'm maybe not explaining myself very well. Like the "flow" from sign-up to actually posting wasn't ideal.

  • 4 Mar 2023, 9:31 p.m.

    No, I understand.

    If you were logged out, came to talkcab.trentend.uk pressed the sign in it would redirect you to turnstile.trentend.uk to complete the authorisation, and then redirect you back to talkcab.trentend.uk as a now logged in user.

    However. The authentication (authelia) is backed by ldap. I have to manually create a new user. I then activate the Request a password? link so that the new user logs in to the system with a password that I (nor anyone else) have no knowledge of.

    A consequence of this is that there is no redirect in place.

    Once the password setting has been done, the user is active, and can just come to this forum and hit the sign in.

  • 5 Mar 2023, 4:22 a.m.

    I am in. My initial password link failed (expired token) and I was only able to get a new one by entering my username with an e, rather than an é… I am pretty sure that used to happen on a previous incarnation. Typical anti-French bias there.

  • 5 Mar 2023, 4:24 a.m.

    My main wish for a new board was dark mode and/or other such interface options. Is that sort of thing in our future?

  • 5 Mar 2023, 6:45 a.m.

    This happened to me too, as @noodle I just needed to do the forgot password routine and it worked.

  • 5 Mar 2023, 8:04 a.m.

    Maybe. Don't hold your breath.

    Like you, a dark mode is on my wish list. This board has a relatively transparent and themeable structure. On the downside it has almost no existing themes and probably will never have. Which means I would have to do it. Which might never get done. Even if it's technically possible to switch it between two themes on a per user basis. Which it may not be.

    I have mentally sacrificed dark mode on the altar of other improvements (but I may revisit).

    As an aside. Are you aware of ferdium? You can view a site through that, and have it put a dark mode wrapper around it, where the site itself doesn't support it. I use it for current TalkBack, though I don't use the dark mode.

  • 5 Mar 2023, 8:08 a.m.

    That looks like a thing I am not allowed to have on iOS, which is usually how I am here.

  • 5 Mar 2023, 9:35 a.m.

    talkcab in ferdium dark mode



    PNG, 202.3 KB, uploaded by tricky on 5 Mar 2023.