• 23 Aug 2023, 11:34 a.m.

    One of my football friends daughters recently died after being put on end of life care, on her fifteenth birthday. I mentioned it at the time. The lads decided to have a little kick about, to raise a few quid for Rainbows, who do fantastic work both for the kids themselves, and to support families.

    ...anyway, it's escalated a bit. Apparently it's been picked up by radio nottingham, and there's expected to be a bit more high profile involvement. The game will be mixed sides veterans, composed largely of football friends along with a contingent of ex-players (expected both in the dugout, and on the pitch).

    If you are at a loose end, and want to laugh at some old knackers, there are worse things that you could do. 2pm kickoff, sunday 27th, at Carlton Town. Maybe chuck a few quid in the raffle?



    JPG, 217.5 KB, uploaded by tricky on 23 Aug 2023.

  • 23 Aug 2023, 12:02 p.m.

    A brilliant idea and if I was still in the area on Sunday I'd be there without a doubt.
    I really hope the event goes well and raises a huge amount for the charity.
    He seems like such a lovely bloke and my heart broke for him when he was talking about his daughter. I can't imagine the pain.
    I'll be donating regardless of not being able to attend.

    ETA; Do they have a Just giving / Go fund me page for this specific event? I know I could just go to the Rainbows Hospice page and donate directly, it all goes to the same place, but I would like it to be added to the amount raised in his daughters name.

  • 23 Aug 2023, 12:54 p.m.

    There will be a way to donate at the event, but I'm not aware of a formal online mechanism at this stage.

  • 23 Aug 2023, 7:44 p.m.

    I have not been invited. Was having a brief text interchange with the principle, and suggested that I wasn't too shit last night, so I would put my boots in the car just in case. Chat went dead.

    Even the coaching roles have been taken by people who are good. The organisers are clearly ageist, fatist, and shitist. The bastards.

    Or "no", as ordinary people might say.

    (barring the odd one off game I chucked the towel in with elevens a decade ago. Pitch too big. Legs too slow.)

  • 27 Aug 2023, 8:17 p.m.

    Good time was had by all. More than four grand raised for the charity. The lads gave me a 3 - despite not pulling my boots on, not the lowest. The dream of a call-up next year is not out of reach.