Forest fans singing the Stevie Cooper song.
Meanwhile, you know computer combat games where you make insignificant moves to build up power / heat / energy before pressing triangle to unleash a killer move?
That's Chris Wood.
But we don't seem to be getting punished quite as ruthlessly this season. Are we getting away with it? Making not as big clangers? Better at recovering from them?
Probably all of the above.
You remember my FB status the other day featuring the tall asshole?
That was such a game. It was a yakuza themed game. I don't know Japanese for 'Woot'.
I don’t think you can understate the contribution Milenkovic is making. He’s a cool (and tall) head. Also, Murillo hasn’t been quite as adventurous that I can see, so not as exposed.
Also, tonight in particular, Aina’s not struggling to contain attacks down the left.