• 7 Dec 2023, 8:54 a.m.

    Can someone get down the carpark and keep eyes open for a crying Steve Cooper being dragged out the gates?

  • 7 Dec 2023, 8:56 a.m.

    Someone else will have to go. If that happens I might well have something in my eye, and not be able to see properly.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:27 a.m.

    I'll watch Keyworth Co-Op.

    We'll always have Wembley, and Keyworth Co-Op.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:36 a.m.

    I find it pretty hideous sitting idly by watching people make a massive mistake, that impacts me negatively. Helpless to stop them.

    But such is the way of the modern world.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 10:33 a.m.

    TalkSh!te reporting SSC being given one more game to "save his job".

  • 7 Dec 2023, 10:34 a.m.

    Ain’t it so?

    File in the same place as Brexit, COVID response, immigration, public services, Iraq war, invasion of Ukraine, Israel-Palestine conflict, cleanliness of water, energy company profits.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 10:43 a.m.

    Wolves will fucking love that the cunts, only worse fixture could have been Sheff Utd.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 11:01 a.m.

    If Cooper goes, I will be very tempted to start supporting whoever he goes to (obv red line in this strategy is Derby).

    Given I can’t get close to getting tickets for Forest, and as Tricky eloquently argues, the geographical ties are becoming irrelevant.

    Instead of supporting a club, I may pave the way to a new form of supporter involvement- I support Steve Cooper

  • 7 Dec 2023, 11:22 a.m.

    I'd guess Marinakis can't get anyone in before Saturday, doesn't want to have Reid and Reid in charge and Brazil is no longer there, so this gives him the weekend to find another mug.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 11:25 a.m.

    I do not take this as satire.

    Many young people are fans of specific players that they identify or connect with, rather than clubs. Players are built as brands - and played disproportionately based on their brand, rather than the miniscule difference in playing ability to other less potent brands. Brands are elevated, promoted and prioritised...because it's the brands that sell the laundry.

    Increasingly more visible is the coach/manager. People connect with their personality, the way they play, their manipulation of the media.

    What is there to connect with about modern football clubs? All people care about is the chance to be endlessly happy at results. There is no satisfaction to be had in honest graft and toil, no longer any pleasure in a long arduous process building up to the occasional satisfying climax. We are now conditioned to only be happy if we are constantly cumming in our pants.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 2:30 p.m.

    Such a bloke post.

    Chicago: Orgasmic.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 11:14 p.m.

    That's a wider problem with today's society. Incessant what-about-me-ism, an inability to see and value the perspective of others, and a want for instant gratification.

  • 9 Dec 2023, 5:58 a.m.

    Come on Steve, fucking show em today.

  • 10 Dec 2023, 9:20 a.m.

    It doesn't feel like he's going to get sacked today but perhaps that's just in my head. It's also his birthday.

  • 10 Dec 2023, 10:50 a.m.

    I think fan support is keeping Cooper in a job but at some point this support will piss the owner off. Around 300 million pounds lighter and another relegation battle wont please him. I already suspect he thinks the fans are ungrateful and they would sooner turn on him than Cooper should we get relegated. Cooper got a result of sorts yesterday and in isolation it wasn't bad but still no win. Results went against us and should Everton win, they go above us with a ten point loss.

    My biggest concern is Cooper dropped some really expensive well paid signings as he cannot get them to play successfully. Will our Greek overlord try to get someone who can get them to play?.