What a weasel
What a weasel
Now tell them you made a mistake, it's about Kenny Dalglish.
I'm too busy making it admit I am better
That's right you little bitch
So this is why the machines rise up and kill humanity.
I've lost me jumper. Can it help?
To start with, Nigel Clough was a striker not a midfielder so the fucker got it wrong and also WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!
Chicago: Slightly nervous.
I'm just looking forward to hearing the popular anthem being sung around all the stadiums next year. It is very popular.
It's not even on spotify so how is it popular?
Chicago: Smelling a porky.
To be fair, it's done quite well. If you were to ask the average talkbacker you would have got..
A) the clough song.
B) hang on , I know that one, give me 10 minutes.
C) Sultans of what now
D) Fuck off I am buying a house, haven't got time for this shit
You have me for three of those four. Very good. I wish I wasn't buying a house but you have me pegged. Arse...
Chicago: Pigeonholed.
The stress of the house purchase is seeping into your writing. Quite anal. If we are to judge by all the pegged arse and holed references.
Chicago: buggered.
Feck off.