You’ve all got this wrong. Gammon logic is as follows:
Russ and Chic are fine. White people living abroad are “ex-pats” and should be welcome wherever they are: Florida, the Costas, Dubai, Singapore. Those places are obligated to speak English, provide English food and sports on the telly etc. Ex-pats can carry two passports and are free to support England/Scotland/Wales in any sporting fixture without comment. Any excess tax or property burden they incur, especially if it is a direct result of Brexit, must be met with outrage as a spiteful revenge move by the host country. They are entitled to full U.K. health service and other benefits when they return/visit, even if they haven’t paid a pound in tax for 20 years, especially if they falsely give a family member’s address.
Darkies coming here are all dodgy immigrants, likely illegal. They should learn the language on arrival and immediately assimilate, and most definitely not practise any other religion. They should support England in all sporting events. And even if they are fourth or fifth generation, they cannot be classed as English or British. (Unless their skin colour has faded out and you can’t tell and then express surprise at them having Jamaican/Indian/Japanese grandparents.)