• Russpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I'm English by birth and Canadian by choice. I have very much made my choice but the country that is responsible for my existence doesn't get to just disown me, as long as it is convenient to do so I will continue to identify as whichever nationality suits me at the time. Or both.

  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    You've abandoned us, not British anymore.

    Obviously not the way I think, but it's the general feeling now. When I tell people I spent 14 years overseas, generally people see that as unpatriotic. What's wrong with Britain? Well, let's not take that question literally.

  • chicagopanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I am a duel citizen too and by the way fuck you I have guns! (I actually don't but intend to get one and I also have a story about a Bazooka which is alleged and not a true story. It is made up for entertainment and in no way shape or form has anything to do with reality if said story is said on an interweb mong site that is satirical in nature....as you were)..

    Chicago: Stumbling into something..

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I avoid this conundrum by not giving the smallest of shits what other people think my relationship with either of my nationalities should be. If I'm asked my nationality on a form I put Canadian unless there's a reason that British would be more convenient. If I'm asked my nationality by a person I'll say Canadian but accept that they'll almost always follow that up by asking where I'm from, which depending on my mood and the person asking will vary from Toronto to Nottingham to England to Australia (most of them over here can't tell the difference between English and Australian accents, any more than most Brits can't tell the difference between a Canadian and American accent). I'll cheer for England in football and Canada in hockey, I won't fly anyone's flag or sing anyone's national anthem, and I'll only ever vote in the country where I'm living.

    I don't give a fuck what a bunch of gammons think about how British or otherwise that makes me.

  • Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    You’ve all got this wrong. Gammon logic is as follows:

    Russ and Chic are fine. White people living abroad are “ex-pats” and should be welcome wherever they are: Florida, the Costas, Dubai, Singapore. Those places are obligated to speak English, provide English food and sports on the telly etc. Ex-pats can carry two passports and are free to support England/Scotland/Wales in any sporting fixture without comment. Any excess tax or property burden they incur, especially if it is a direct result of Brexit, must be met with outrage as a spiteful revenge move by the host country. They are entitled to full U.K. health service and other benefits when they return/visit, even if they haven’t paid a pound in tax for 20 years, especially if they falsely give a family member’s address.

    Darkies coming here are all dodgy immigrants, likely illegal. They should learn the language on arrival and immediately assimilate, and most definitely not practise any other religion. They should support England in all sporting events. And even if they are fourth or fifth generation, they cannot be classed as English or British. (Unless their skin colour has faded out and you can’t tell and then express surprise at them having Jamaican/Indian/Japanese grandparents.)

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I'm also have a dual citizenship, with Oirland, despite my having never actually been a resident.

    Fucked if I'm queuing up at the airport coming back from Tenerife with my crispy face.

  • Lessredpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I thought about getting one of those, but I couldn't be bothered. Bizarrely I was entitled through my northern Irish grandad who I never met.

    I hope I don't regret my laziness

  • Charliepanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Me too, through my Dublin grandfather I never met.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    a month ago

    I am tri-national, being British and Oirish by birth, and Australian by choice/convenience.

    The only passport I hold is Oirish. Obviously I live in Oz (and don’t intend to leave), but ask me my nationality and I’ll say British. I proudly fail the cricket test and, tbh, want Australian teams to lose at everything, whilst being fairly neutral on England vs Ireland on the rare occasions it’s even a question.

  • Mangetoutpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Dual nationality. Only an NZ passport though, not least since Brexit has devalued the UK one.
    I'm English for football and NZ for most other sports. Underdog status or reflecting that the All Blacks are far more working class than English rugby, but I don't really give a shit about the sport. I tried to, but it didn't take.

    Edit: I'd probably cheer NZ v England at football too, but it's irrelevant givent the quality difference.

  • Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    See? All you white boys get away with anything.

    Imagine Farage, Truss and Tice’s explosion if a dark skinned person came out with any of the above in the UK.

  • Mangetoutpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    To be fair, Indians in NZ are generally assumed to be cricket nuts who support India, even if they are Fijian. And, yeah, Fijian Indians are generally cricket nuts who support India.

    But rugby really does suck.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    a month ago

    True but, but I think we all regard those people as cunts.

    It’s not hard being white these days, but it’s really fucking embarrassing.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago

    @Russ I've haven't seen many games this season but, get in!

    I was kind of resigned to this streak ending with Leafs.

    And what's happened to Bruins?

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago

    Still buzzing. Went out in town with some friends to watch the game, then met a bunch more Sens supporting friends who were actually at the game and had a very large night. The Leafs honestly look like they might be slipping away, they haven't fixed their bottom 6 problems and the top 6 talent just isn't firing the way it was while we are really starting to gel as a 4 line team that plays tough. We're not going deep in the postseason but we are really starting to find the next level we've been threatening for the last couple of years.

    Boston finally quit this season and traded away at the deadline, most notably with Marchand going to Florida. They've been decent but not elite for too long and this was overdue. I don't hate the Bruins the way many do but it's good to see them finally drop off the way Detroit had to a few years ago. Time for them to spend a few years in the wilderness.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago

    Habs next. Call me fair weather but it's getting interesting now..

    So, a bit Tottenham?

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