• Loaferpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I assumed murder, suicide and dogicide. Gene HACKman. Chop chop chop.

  • trickylens
    a month ago

    Or he's a pharaoh?

    Agree with most of that. Can remember lots of things he was brilliant in, and almost nothing that he wasn't. A real actor who became a star, actually changed from role to role. I preferred Hackman to the more high profile 'actor' stars, like brando and De Niro. Very sad, but I'm not sure about missing him, he stopped working twenty years ago.

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Didn't Hitler kill his dog first, then his wife, then himself? Could be 1st degree Aodolficide.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    a month ago
  • BrettWilliamspanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I remember being shown Mississippi Burning at school way back in the day and thinking how brilliant he was in that.

    Still one of my favourite films.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Similarly Eggy (Brown) Bread?

    Didn't Webmong go on Eggheads once or have I made that up?

    Assuming webmong himself isnt made up of ckurse, which can't be ruled out despite many having met him.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Yes he did. I seem to recall he bigged himself up on music, mentioned that he did some DJing, landed music questions and I'm pretty sure got them all wrong.

  • Mangetoutpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    I'm not saying that's the most Talback thing ever, but...

  • BrettWilliamspanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Surely if it was Talkback, he'd have also started an argument with himself and refused to back down in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?

  • trickylens
    a month ago

    [Travis Bickle]You lookin' at me? You lookin' at me?[/Travis Bickle]

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    And then told Jeremy Vine the music he was asking about was shit.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Before publicly telling everyone how great it is a bit later in an apparently complete u-turn?

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    That sounds more like Russ.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    It is mainly, but I meant more in the context of an established Talkback trait rather than an one specific individual.

  • Russlens
    a month ago

    Apparently the Hackmans had been dead some time, their bodies were found in different rooms, the wife had a ton of pills around her, and police are now treating their deaths as suspicious.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    25 days ago

    Existential Crisis

    I once walked out of the bar I worked at, up towards Hoboken’s Main Street where the arts and music festival was in full flow and happened to time it perfectly with the New York Dolls launching into their signature song. Their first two albums are bloody great, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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