• 2 Apr 2024, 10:09 p.m.

    TBF to Mr Yates he had a really good game tonight. If only he could shoot.

  • 2 Apr 2024, 10:12 p.m.

    I think the sensitivity on the DonnyBot response-generator algorithm was set to low this evening.

  • 2 Apr 2024, 10:15 p.m.

    Marked as best answer by 2 Apr 2024, 10:23 p.m..

    Come on, Donny - join our celebrations. I know life has been unbelievably tough for you lately, so all the more reason to embrace a small good. Just for a moment.

  • 2 Apr 2024, 10:18 p.m.

    Nuno hasn't realised that he has inherited Cooper's job of filing the corners down on Ryan's 50p head and boots.

  • 2 Apr 2024, 10:22 p.m.

    Ha. I was watching him tonight thinking maybe Russ has a point and he is out his depth. He does often look for the ball when he's in bad positions and the players round him know this so ignore him. That said, shithousing was as on point as ever, the amount of time he spends on his arse I wouldn't want to wash those shorts.

    Decent atmosphere tonight, and kudos to the club for trying to frame the narrative following the points deduction as this will spur us on, rather than scousing it up.

    I also went for a wee around 75 minutes to kill some time until the end. I didn't really need a wee as I'd only had a bottle of sprit all afternoon so whilst everyone else was draining Madri by the gallon I felt a bit of a fraud.

  • 2 Apr 2024, 10:34 p.m.

    <pic of the Inbetweeners pointing out of the window of their car>


  • 2 Apr 2024, 11:32 p.m.

    Definitely Morgan's best game in a forest shirt tonight. Absolutely outstanding, particularly first half. Honourable mentions for Danilo, Aina and CHO. Never felt confident of seeing it through, so it was a lovely surprise to see we did. Got to find a way of defending corners better though.

  • 2 Apr 2024, 11:38 p.m.

    My idea would be to press up as high as we can and try to avoid conceding corners. We look awful at them (both ends).

  • 2 Apr 2024, 11:44 p.m.

    Danilo did some amazing covering behind Aina as the 2nd half wore on. Every time Aina pushed up to the winger Danilo covered the run and either blocked the cross or forced them back. There was much to love about tonight's performance - and I've celebrated to the wine max - but as much as we were sexy going forward in the 1st half we coped with conceding early 2nd half. And Danilo worked hard to counter and help Aina dealing with Traore - that's where Fulham believed they would get joy and provide crosses from - and they didn't.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 12:07 a.m.

    All of this is correct, but for all his faults he is exponentially better than anything we've seen from 35M so far.

    Hopefully this will encourage Nuno to keep picking teams to try and win games, instead of setting out to not lose them.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 4:02 a.m.

    Lots of positives and it could and should have been more, but Fulham were awful.

    Oh and I thought Michael Oliver had one of the better refereeing performances of the season to date.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 5:25 a.m.

    Despite being convinced we wouldn't qin I am delighted we did. I cant have been the only one who thought we would fuck it up second half, especially when we conceded so early. We are shocking from corners they hit the woodwork at least twice. After a poor result against palace this was a must win and fair play we won.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 5:46 a.m.

    Hudson-Odoi deceptively spanked that first goal. Far more power than anyone except him expected, I reckon. Also impressive that Wood had somehow found space in the box to give him options.
    Wood's goal was marvellous. He realised that Leno was unsighted by the clumsy defender and just had a go.
    Danilo's pass for the third was a highlight of the highlights.

    But Fulham's defence was well ropey.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 7:18 a.m.

    I think you are both right. At times tonight I was say there thinking he’s having a good game, other times what the fuck are you doing as he clattered his own player or it was bouncing off his feet.

    Danillos energy tonight was something else, after that shot at the end he sprinted back into position to defend the next attack despite being up and down all night.

    Big save from Sels to prevent it from being 3-2, finally hope the doubters can see he’s an upgrade on what we had.

    That was a fantastic win and performance. Maybe even JR is happy this morning.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 7:28 a.m.

    I went last night. Great atmosphere. First half, from the Forza banner to the Whistle was just incredible. The team playing to it's creative potential and could easily have been more. Second half, it was a good job we had 3 in the bag, I don't think 2 would have been enough, but after they got their early goal we kept our heads and defended very well. After palace people had said we were individuals, not a team, but that looked totally wrong in this game, they were all together. Great night.

  • 3 Apr 2024, 7:33 a.m.

    It was. But it’s that bit harder not to be ropey when facing a team who seems comfortable running at you, around you, and in behind you… y’know… a team who’s not only thought about how to score, but actually thought of more than one way to do it.

    When good teams make our defence look like that we give them credit for it.

    Playing like that won’t always work. Obviously. but I sure wish we’d tried it against Luton and Palace.