Name a Number between 1 and 6441. One is very lazy. All will be revealed.
Chicago: Looking for magic.
Name a Number between 1 and 6441. One is very lazy. All will be revealed.
Chicago: Looking for magic.
I've named a number. I've called it Dave.
Not helpful.
Try again.
Unless you wish to explain Dave but I suspect you cannot unless it's some weird quantum mechanics.
Chicago: Sticking to the rules.
OK: 2025
7 (seven)
22, which is too short to be a post on its own.
The number 2 please.
5670 plus filler to make the minimum character count
Ingo's going to be quite cross about this I expect.
This game is mint. The New Year is off to a fucking flyer.
I don't understand the instructions. How about this one that already has a name?
I'll have 4321