• 20 Aug 2023, 9:10 p.m.

    Well, duhh. But they are not paid the same. Or anything like the same. That’s how the Saudi thing works, at least at the moment; they are in a position to throw ridiculous amounts of money - even by Premier League footballer standards - at it in order to lure enough decent players there to give their league publicity. See LIV golf and no doubt other sport wash stuff of which I’m not aware.

    If Serge is offered a Saudi deal, Forest will not have the slightest chance of matching it. Doesn’t mean he’ll definitely go, but it probably makes it pretty likely. After all, Jordan Henderson’s public stuff about LGBT+ rights didn’t stop him going…

    In due course, if you are right, you’ll be in a position to list players who were offered a Saudi deal but opted to stay where they were. Especially at a middle ranking provincial club that’s likely to be fighting relegation every season for a good while. At the moment, I’d say that list is vanishingly short

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:33 p.m.

    Romano thinks we're still in on Henderson. From the little I've seen of Turner so far though I can understand if we want a slightly less expensive #2 or a slightly better #1 than Henderson, I don't think there's a gulf in class between the two of them and if we're going to spend 20M and 100K a week on another keeper I think it should be for one who's a noticeable upgrade.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:36 p.m.

    "Doesn’t mean he’ll definitely go, but it probably makes it pretty likely."

    Yes. Yes, that's about right. Makes it pretty likely. Not certain. So you agree with me. Forest should make efforts to persuade Aurier to stay, but if he's offered tons of cash by the Saudis, he may well leave. I realise you have to put "duh" at the top of your post because it's the sort of patronising shit that seems to 'win' arguments on this forum. But you are allowed to READ posts carefully. You are allowed to THINK for yourself, not just follow the herd. Just because Russ has posted an obnoxious, patronising, shitty little post, it doesn't mean you have to back him up or behave the same way,

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:37 p.m.

    ...I do find the false dichotomy that people introduce into such discussions fascinating. You can speak out about something, while still living and working in a place. I do exactly that with the disgusting human rights abusing UK government, while continuing to live, work, and invest in the country. I do not feel the need to wear a hair shirt, because other people are bastards and I've noticed.

    If I was Serge, and the offer was generational wealth, I'd definitely take it. Not least to be able to afford some insulation against what the cunts are planning for the world.

    I would still be telling the rest of you bastards to sort yourselves out, and create the society that you want. instead of pointing and shouting at each other trying to provide a fallacious argument for ignoring inconvenient truths, that you are to a large degree responsible for. And taking the cash, as much of the cash as possible, to protect me from your continued gross stupidity.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:37 p.m.

    I mean, that's literally what I said originally and you demanded I provide evidence of it.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:40 p.m.

    At risk of getting involved @NorfolkRed , you do seem to have got yourself rather worked up by a pretty innocuous comment from @Russ . Have you had a shit weekend? I normally get into this kind of argument when I'm angry about other things IRL ....

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:41 p.m.

    I didn't 'demand' anything. I disagreed that 30 is past it for a defender, and asked what your source was. You then wrote a patronising shitty reply assuming that I'm the kind of mug who thinks everyone wants to play for Forest. My point was that he's a player worth fighting to keep, irrespective of the outcome.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:44 p.m.

    Russ's reply was

    "Take a deep breath, take a moment to calm down a little, re-read my post, and think about what words mean."

    I'd say that's not especially innocuous.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 9:58 p.m.

    It's pretty polite for Russ.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 10:06 p.m.

    Lol, fair enough! I've never met the guy, but I thought his choice of words to a stranger was out of order.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 10:18 p.m.

    Whereas of course talking about “patronising shit” and using lots of SHOUTY CAPITALS in your posts to me - another stranger, unless I am mistaken - was entirely OK?

    You seem strangely angry about this for no apparent reason.

    I’m going for a beer.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 10:39 p.m.

    Yes, wholly justified, I think, by your use of 'duh' at the beginning of your post to me, and by your misrepresentation of my position. If you are rude to someone, then you run the risk that they will be rude back to you. Just because you post a lot on this forum does not give you the right to patronise those who only post occasionally.

    But enough of this bollocks. Game over. Enjoy your beer.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 10:44 p.m.

    I like arguing. I'm not a big fan of arguing over how we argue. A bit too meta for my tastes.

  • 20 Aug 2023, 10:58 p.m.

    I didn’t write that. I am suing you. Just like we are suing the builder of our house for refusing to fix a glaring problem in the basement. (As in it floods when it rains…).

    Apologise at once…

    Now back to transfers and super Serge.

    Chicago: Litigious.

    PS: Norfolk Red for President!